Hi I am Emily! I am 34 years old and originally from Buffalo, NY. Go Bills! I am a mom of 2 boys ages 4 and 2. I am also a wife to an amazing husband who is also a nurse, furthering his education to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. I have 10+ years experience as an RN in all different specialties including med/surg, telemetry, NICU and outpatient surgery. I have done travel nursing across the country with my husband from 2016-2019. I became a nurse because I loved being able to make a difference in people’s lives on a daily basis. I knew I eventually wanted to work in aesthetics, so I took the courses at National Laser institute back in 2021, but continued to grow my family shortly thereafter which postponed those plans. Now I’m here and ready to work hard and learn to grow my passion for this field. I love the thought of being able to gently enhance the natural beauty of ourselves and that it isn’t a permanent thing, and we can learn to adjust things specifically with each client. I plan to listen carefully to the clients wants and needs and hope to help their beauty dreams come true!